Registration Now Open for all 3 legs!
Last day to Sign up for Leg one is Sunday April 20th
Limited to 200 Shooters – sign up soon!
Sign up Below ⬇️

The Triple Crown is a long-standing tradition at the club, serving as our annual fundraiser and a day of fun, friendly competition, and community spirit. This event challenges participants to shoot 40 3D targets for score across three distinct legs.
Awards are presented to the top three finishers in each leg, with special class buckles given to the highest overall scores across all three legs.
No club membership is required to participate, making the Triple Crown an inclusive event open to all archers.
Triple Crown Classes
Bow shot with no restriction on stabilizers or style of release
Bowhunter Class
• Men
• Women
Bow shot with no restriction on stabilizers or style of release. A sight shall have fixed-pin, cross-hair, or circle-style pins. No magnification/lens allowed. Sights may not be adjusted after entering the shooting course
Open Class
• Men
• Women
• Senior Open (Men & Women 55-69)
• Master Open (Men & Women 70 +)
Bow shot with a moveable site
Face walking, fixed crawl, or string walking are not permitted
Use above rule link for specifics on bows and equipment allowed
Bare Bow
String walking and face walking are permitted
Olympic Recurve
Youth ( 12-17)

Entry Fee (admission to event and lunch)
• Professional – $90 (with $50 going into the payout)
• Adults – $40
• Youth (12-17) – $20
• Cubs – $10
***Please read the following before registering***
The U.S. Air Force Academy has temporarily adjusted processes to access the installation, beginning January 4, 2025. While the installation remains closed to the public, current AAC members will be issued Base Access cards prior to the event. Non-members who sign up will receive an email containing a link to register for a daily access pass for each tournament leg.
If you have any questions about requirements to enter the Academy please contact the Pass and Registration Office at
(719) 333-0441 or [email protected]. for more information
You can register for one or more Legs at this time.